Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weekly happy stats

Things that made me happy last week:
  • Sewing myself a new apron
  • Seeing a little deer crossing the road
  • Receiving my copy of Uppercase magazine
  • Going supply shopping with Mariana
  • Making a zillion happy girls


  1. Erik says you should live closer so we get lemon pie more regularly... sigh men...
    We planted the little tomato plant right by the almond tree in the new garden. Now patiently waiting for some yummys!

    Thanks for coming. I had a greeeeeeat time. It was really fun. Now I have to get to work with all that clay!

  2. I like your idea. We should all make our "happies"!

  3. Sounds like you had a very good week Mitsy!:)

  4. A zillion happy girls, eh? That's certainly a lot of happy! :)

  5. Your happy stats make me happy too!
    enjoy your weekend!

  6. Mitsy you always have the best way of seeing the world ..

    I am going to do that too tomorrow ...

    my happy stats ..

    thank you for always being the inspiring one xxx

  7. You are on my list of happy stats *grin*. I love coming over to see what fun things you have been up to during the week :) Don't you just love the Uppercase magazine! It's a fantastic read and I love that it's Canadian to :)


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