Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Feeling religious?

Yesterday I went to the fashionmuseum to drop off our collaborative work for the upcoming exhibition. While showing and explaining a bit, the person in charge asked me if I had any religious mini-art-feelings that would fit the theme for the exhibition: Devout/Divine - Fashion vs. Religion
It will be a compilation of creations of national and international designers. The expo examines how religion is integrated in their work. It will not show a traditional overview of historical religious garments and textile, but focuses on the relationship between contemporary fashion and religion. Original interpretations of burqa's, a praying carpet transformed into a handbag, rosaries and habits remodelled as catwalk ensembles and Haute Couture nuns are just a few examples.

Oh man, when I get challenged, I can't ignore so I told her I would try to finish something before the opening this Friday. I postponed some paperwork and I got to work fast as I had to come up with a few religous feelings and they needed to be made and fired right away. This is what is cooking in the kiln right now... a special series made for the Fashionmuseum.

Feeling Catholic
Feeling Boeddhist
Feeling Jewish
Feeling muslim?
Feeling Hindu?
Now I pray they won't explode in the kiln... ;)

These are my interpretations of these religions. I hope you are not offended by any of these. It's my way of 'picturing' some obvious icons about the religion and is in no way meant to hurt anyones feelings. Thank you.


  1. That´s great! To pray has to work in that case definitely.......

  2. Mitsy you made me smile and laugh!
    This is gorgeous and humorous! Actually it is hilarious!
    You hit the bulls eye with such minimality! And it is beautiful too!!!
    I hope they will not kill each other in the kiln!
    Peace please!! :-)

  3. Very well done, they are cute, in as far as religions can be cute ;-)

  4. I like them a lot, but I don't think I would have done muslim like that :)

  5. I LOOOOOVE "feeling hindu" ! Are you going to sell any of these in your store?!

  6. Hey Anna, these are made for the museum display and will be for sale in their shop. They are also marked on the bottom with 'MM' for ModeMuseum and numbered. I can make a reproduction for you with number 2 if you want, no problem.
    Thanks for loving them! :)

  7. Touchy subject religion eh? your responses are witty and beautiful...

  8. I love them! I think if anyone is offended, then they've not understood at all, they're adorable! I love the Hindu one especially :)

    Sarah x

  9. Well done, Mitsy, I don't think they can be shown better in such a simple way!

  10. These came out GREAT! Love the Jewish and Hindu the most I think... Well done!

  11. Indrukwekkend!!! goed gevat, het ontlokte ook bij mij een glimlach.
    Een trip naar Hasselt met bezoek aan het Modemuseum plus shop (en koffie bij Boon???) zit eraan te komen!!!

  12. Wow:)

    Like to buy the Hindu version...

  13. You are genious - I love them!

    If you ever plan to make a wallhanging I would be open for them :-)

    ... I just read your answer to Anna. I would be definitley happy with number 3 - but for my wall.

  14. Sorry - still laughing - if anyone should be mad about that, he/she has forgotten that God had invented HUMOR.
    And Devil / Bad Things do not have any part of that smiling possibillities which are the basic of Love....

    Greetings from Germany
    and hugs...

  15. How very original!

    With those little details you tell everything. - Nice!

  16. You, my friend, are, as I keep telling you, a genius.


  17. Great work! You did an amazing job with a difficult creative challenge.
    You never cease to amaze me Mitsy!

  18. these are actually really neat :) great simple interpretations

  19. Awesome. Again. :)))
    Thank you for your lovely comment.


  20. OMG! Too cute! Too funny! I want one of each!! Dear Universe- please keep these pieces from exploding in the kiln. Thank You.

    Can't wait to hear!

  21. How funny and original! Love your vision here. People are going to love them!!!!!!!!

  22. The Ganesha Babushka is soooo adorable :) Loving everything.. Awesome work, Mitsy! :)

  23. These are cool, but you know what else? I love the natural dark clay look they have...have you considered doing some of these feelings in stonewear? I don't know if it's possible, but I think it would be neat to see a feeling in black or dark clay...!!! I think some of the people who collect your white feelings would go for the dark, too!

  24. Oh Mitsy, this is brilliant!!! I looooooooooooove it =D

  25. I love them all - great piece of art work

  26. HOW COOL, Mitsy! So humorous and wonderfully creative. Well done!

  27. I love them!
    You are such an inspired person!
    have a nice weekend

  28. Fantastic work Mitsy, absolutely spot on!!!

  29. Wow, love these!!!
    The Hindu/Buddhist one with the bindi is very subtle.
    Haha, another buddhist feeling could be a Buddha with a big belly...!
    Do show us when they're on display.


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