Thursday, June 24, 2010

My creative space

My creative space got invaded by my niece and her friend who decided that I would make 'em lunch while they were shopping in the city. They are 12 and came to the 'big' city by bus (45 minutes) and I think it's mighty cute that they dropped by. So I made 'em pancakes with sirop, jam, Nutella, sugar, strawberries and icecream. They loved it and so did I. Today I really need to get a package ready for the fashion museum with some other things they will put in their shop. I need to sand the religious feelings and package some more happy girls. While my Dutch partner is putting out the Dutch flag, I get reminded that we go cheer for Holland tonight at a friends place. And I also need to prepare a Merry go round post for tommorrow which will be a tutorial. Busy, busy life!
I am behind on everything: flickr favorites, e-mail, work, looking at the treasuries, doing nothing,... I hope to catch up during the weekend! Sorry if you're waiting for a reply, life is a bit hectic right now.

Want to show your space? Hop over to Kootoyoo's to play! It's fun! :)


  1. You are busy!! Yeah, all the social media is keeping me busy too! I don't know how people do it! Well, I hope you get everything done. Yu-Ting

  2. Busy busy but with good stuff - enjoy it!

  3. oh Art, I know the feeling,
    I am behind on everything too :-(((

    and wow, still you make time to bake pancakes for your niece and friend!

    I wish you lots of succes at the museum, what an honour that they take your work!!!!

  4. I love it when my niece comes by...nieces are a breath of fresh air!

  5. What a busy bee you are! I wish I could do half of what you do!!

  6. Oow, you are such a nice aunt. Yummie pancakes!

  7. you are so sweet doing this for others!!
    Try to relax too?

  8. I'm already hungry as it is :)
    You'll catch up don't worry and take it easy :)

  9. So busy! Hoping everything will go great for you :)

  10. busy is good :) love your pics + congrats on the fashion museum package!

  11. Busy times Mitsy... Love that your niece dropped in for pancakes :) Your work in progress looks gorgeous too. Kx


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