Friday, September 25, 2009

The secret project... work in progress

I think that I'm obsessed with textures. I'm glad my secret partner is too.
We won't be using all of these textures but certainly a few. I love the donut-shape although it makes me hungry while I work on them! :)
I love them all lined up best. It kind of looks like little feeling-donuts...
I also made some 'donuts' with graduating colors. I posted a tutorial on them here.

To know the idea behind the secret project, go read the first blogpost here or click on the label 'the secret project' to see all the posts about it.
Can't wait to receive your guesses but think about it carefully 'cause you can only guess once! :)
You can send your guess to and can not change your guess so think about it carefully...


  1. I'm still very intrigued. I love experimenting with texture too. Done with the living room?

  2. I so love to see these little peeks! I do wonder....

  3. Oh! These little donuts look great! Hehe...

  4. I'm courious for the result of this work XD

  5. oh yum! donuts! ;)
    Can't wait to see what on earth you and your 'friend' are making .. i'm jolly curious!!!

    and thanks for the message on my blog .. smarty pants!

  6. those would look great strung together as a necklace :)

  7. I'm very intrigued, but alas clueless. I'll just have to wait until you reveal all, I suppose!

  8. All I see are some pretty freaking hype beads in the making. Any bead that needs a kiln is a friend by this girl . . . I'm looking forward to the reveal, but I have to say that I have no idea what you have up your clever sleeves for this one!

  9. Donut is one of my fave forms - gotta love this (and the textures.. but I don't really have to say this again and again, I guess ;))!

  10. They look gorgeous. We have a lolly/sweet here in Australia called Life Savers and they look like that - same size, shape and colour. So I think of them rather than actual donuts when I see these. Still yum though!


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