Wow, I'm impressed by the amount of people who entered my give away. Thanks so much folks for being so enthusiastic, it gives me great pleasure and actually makes me a happy girl.
Before I announce the winner, I need to tell you that a special award goes to
ladybracknell. She kept my promothread alive for a whole week! How's that for perseverance? Thank you very much ladybracknell. If you send me a convo with your address, I'll send you a special award.

Someone in the comments suggested that I had messed up one happy girl, which was very true.
Alice, you seem to know me very well! ;)
When drawing the little face, the ink got all over and she did not look like a happy girl. So she couldn't be part of the happy pile.
The total amount of happy girls on the pile was 48!
In the mean time, a few of those already found another home.
One of them will go to one of these people since all three of them guessed the right number:
Claudia from
MundoGominola ,
Dindi and
I have been thinking about how to make a fair draw. So I wrote the names of these people on a label and attached it to the back of a happy girl. I let the innocent hand decide...

... who is going to run off with the necklace AND the happy girl!
Congratulations Dindi! I'll be contacting you to discuss the color of
the growth necklace so I can make it & send it off!
Mundo Gominola and
XbyLeinaNeima will get
a happy girl too of course... :)
Thanks everyone for participating - it has been great fun!