I loved reading the answers to this question and wanted to share the answers randomnly.
The person who wished for a fake crocheted flower bouquet, please click on the photo, it might make your wish come trough... :)
- Having my own handmade business
- More money
- A country home and a quiet life
- A sale in my Etsy shop
- Happiness and no stress
- Live closer to my family
- A second life
- A job
- Someone to clean my house for the rest of my life
- Health for my loved ones
- No violence
- Happiness and a house by the sea
- Peace and contentedness
- Harmony in me
- No worries about money or life
- Climate change to end
- House with a little garden
- A laser cutter
- Justice and compassion
- Travelling the world
- A fake crocheted flower bouquet
- Language skills
- New wardrobe