Karlita was already there which I found fantastic because it's always so busy that you never know if you have a place to sit.
Nearly as soon as I sat down and told her how I was doing she handed this big brown bag to me. It's a bag where Saint Nicholas hold the presents in. And today is Saint Nicholas day in Belgium but I didn't expect to get any presents.
Turned out that some members of the European Streetteam send gifts to Karlita for me because I organised the Secret Santa. I couldn't believe my eyes really. People did ask for my address but I refused to give it because the biggest joy for me was organising the Secret Santa.
Really, it was great fun and I got to know the team so much better. I also enjoyed sharing some of the info through my blog and loved that they all enjoyed reading that.
Secret Santa has been an incredibly amazing event and I didn't expect to receive so much warmth and generosity. I feel a bit embarrased too because it was not neccesary at all - it has been a great pleasure for me so I do dare to call you all a bit naughty! :)
Good that most of you already received their gift! :)
I can't show any pictures yet as my partner run off with our camera but Karlita has proof of many smiles and happiness. Rests me to thank all of you for being so kind, sweet and lovely! You are all incredible! Thank you so much - it has been a wonderful Saint Nicholas day for me with the most amazing surprise ever! :)
I will show some pictures as soon as I have the camera! :)
Please hop over to Karlita's blog to see me unwrapping it all... :)