Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Display ideas for Mini Art Feelings

I have been busy taking pictures of the Mini Art Feelings yesterday. I was so pleased to have my tripod so all shots were quite steady and I didn't have to edit too much, beside cropping them.
The feelings on this picture below all have to do with travelling & exploring so I thought they would look good with my globe & antique world map in the back.
I also thought of a way how that the Mini Art Feelings can be displayed. I had a few IKEA Bas display boxes in my storage room that have been waiting for use for a long time.
The back of the boxes is white so I wanted to add some color to it. As I have some wallpaper books at home, I decided to see if I could find a pretty wallpaper to add to the back of them.
The feelings don't all fit in the boxes as some of them are too fat but most of 'em do.
I think it looks great like that. :) Do you like it?