I 'met' Lisa earlier this year when she purchased three of my mini-art-feelings. I checked out her blog and shop and fell in love right away. She creates unique one-off and limited edition art, hand crafted cards, chalkboard eggs and Sweetie Petites doll kits. Her work is whimsical and unique and it makes me smile to pieces. We chat via e-mail from time to time and visit each other's blogs. We have become virtual friends. So when I popped in her blog a bit more then a month ago, I was pleasantly surprised to find out she had been secret squirreling on her blog comments. She had a give-away for the most frequent commenters on her blog. I squeeled a bit when I saw I was one of them. And I also smiled big time of course...
When I arrived back in Belgium from my little Portugal get-away, I found this huge envelope from Lisa. Want to see what beautiful gifts she send me?
Beautiful Ginger and a wonderful set of 4 quality postcards.
These are my absolute favorite since I first saw them.
Ha, I will need to purchase a sewing machine now.
I know I can do it by hand but it's a good excuse! :)
You can purchase these beauties also in her on line shop.
A great opportunity to learn how to embroider which is dangerous for me.
What if I get addicted?
So since then, I have been tallying the blog comments and decided to spread the love and surprise 3 people who left the most comments on my blog since the beginning of september.
I have been surprised by the amount of comments that are left on my blog. During 5 weeks of tallying, no less than 191 people commented on my blog and in total, 778 comments were left.
These numbers make for a lot of tallying - haha - you guys kept me busy! :)
But, I heart comments and I would love to thank you all for taking the time to write something.
The three people who can expect a surprise package in their mailbox are:
Inger and Estella are part of the European Streetteam and although we never met, I feel I have known them since a long time.
I 'met' Kylie through the blogging world and her blog is among my favorites! Make sure to check it out. Besides that, she is supersweet and makes lovely and unique items.
These three will get a personalised special package so they will all be different. I will need some time to make 'em so please be patient girls! :)