After I printed the instructions last week, I couldn't wait to get started on my ripple dream.
I do not like making test squares but I'm glad I did follow
Lucy's advise to do so. After all, I'm not an advanced hooker. I even managed to mess up the test square because I didn't count carefully enough but in the end I managed to get it right.

Then I started off with 283 stitches. When I finished 2 rows, I was wondering if I had enough yarn left to make 2 more rows.

So I made a 3rd row and still wasn't sure I had enough yarn left for a 4th row...
If not, I will make the blanket with 3 ripple-rows in one color instead of 2.

So I decided to try and see how far I got. Looks like it will be tight but I'll manage.

So I unrippled it all and started with my second ripple row...

I'm excited for the progress now but not sure how long a row takes me yet as the first rows were kind of slow. Will keep you updated of course...