By Kylie from Chasing Purple Dreams
I’ve always rebelled against the idea of having a personal style or working in a series as an artist. I wanted to challenge myself to master different mediums and techniques, textures and colour schemes. I thought I would get bored working in the same style all the time.
Kylie Marie Stevens
Oil on canvas
600 x 900mm
I thought it would be "cheating" that it would just get easier and easier. Now I find I've thrown my long-held opinion out the window and started creating a series. Oops!
Kylie Marie Stevens
Oil on canvas
1020 x 510mm
I’ve never worked this way before. Instead of cheating I find I am telling myself a story, delving deeper. In this series of abstract oil paintings there are symbols: a little boat filled with my creativity; floating, drifting or cruising with purpose towards a light that represents my creative goals, the place I want to be.
I don’t mind at all if the story you find is different from the one I am exploring myself. To me that is part of the beauty of abstracts.
Kylie Marie Stevens
Oil on canvas
1060 x 1210mm
I’m always curious to hear what other people see in my work and what draws them to one piece over another. On that note I’d love to know what you see here. Do you have a favourite? Are they telling you a story?
Kylie Marie Stevens
Oil on canvas
840 x 760mm
If you’re curious to see what came before or where this series is going, pop on over to Chasing Purple Dreams, I’d love to have your company on my journey.