Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Flickr Favorites

When I got back from the fair on Sunday evening, I received an e-mail about the Craftymarket in 2 weeks. Since I'm sharing a booth with Marta from Martice, I wanted to forward the information but the e-mail got completely stuck in Outlook. It blocked the entire program and there is just no way to get rid of it. Even Baa from Baahar jumped in with some tech support but the fact that all my settings are in Dutch didn't make it easy.
It made me realize how much I depend on e-mail everyday. I feel a bit handicapped trying to communicate via webmail as I don't have access to all my mails and addresses. So, in case you are waiting for a reply from me, don't dispair: I try to get back to you as soon as possible.

This will probably also speed up the process of buying a new laptop. Mine has been a pain nearly since I bought it. The noise it makes is unbearable and driving me, my partner and even our cat completely crazy. So I'm about to change drastically and move over from PC to MAC.
I don't have a clue what adventure I'm venturing into so if you have tips, please don't hesitate to leave a comment. I really value all opinions as I'm useless when it comes to electronic devices...

My favorite mosaic from last week is beautiful put together and makes me wish I was still one...

If you like to play this week, make your mosaic and add a link to your blogpost (NOT your blog please) or Flickr in Mister Linky (click on the button below and fill in your name with the link to your blogpost or Flickr picture)...
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Hi Mitsy,
Great decision to switch to Mac. I did it about 18 months ago and can't believe the difference. I could never go back now. My one piece of advice is to be gentle with yourself and don't assume you'll just pick all the changes up lickety split. It took me a good month to get used to the new arrangement. I had expected to be overjoyed with the change right away. I didn't factor in the general frustration level one has with just learning a new operating system. when that settles down you find that joy you hoped would be there growing by leaps and bounds.
It's just so nice to have none of the frustrations I used to have with my PC. Good luck in the new and easier world of Mac. :o) Oh, I love your mosaic, btw. Green's my favorite color.
Pc are heaven when they work ... but when not ... you just go crazy !
Do it! Takes a little getting used to but once you do- you'll never look back!!
Have no time to make a mosaic today, your´s is great! I just want to tell you I bought an I mac 1 year ago and I´m totally satisfied !
I think you will be happy with you decision to change!
I love mac! We switched over a couple of years ago and there is no going back! So go for it! Just don't buy it in the apple store - they only give a garantuee of one year - if you buy it in media markt, it is two years (even the guys from the apple store buy their applestuff in the media markt, can you believe it!)
"once you go mac you never go back" (yes you may quote me!)

I can't give any advice to help ease you into the joy of using the mac v/s the pc (given that I've actively avoided the nasty little pests all my computing life) but I can give you advice on how to act around the non-converted: try not to look too superior..... smirking and actively mocking those less fortunate is not always appreciated - you may, of course, giggle uncontrollably in the comfort of you own home as you try to remember what a 'worm' or a 'trojan' or a 'virus' once were.......

hee hee hee



(mac snob since 1985.... when I think they were only apples)
Hi,nice Mac is a good thing my sister have one,but she only get one year garantuee,when she bought hers!
Last year I bought a MacBook too after a lot of thinking. I was a bit sceptical about all the people tellling me apple was so fantastic, but now I totally agree :) My macbook works really well, is quiet and doesn't need a lot of computer maintenance (which was one of the main reasons I picked apple). I haven't had any problems the whole year! And I know it is expensive, but I don't think you'll regret it.
aaaah I want a Mac too!!! but they are so expensive! and with little hands around here......mmmh better not. I console myself using the next best thing: PC with Linux instead of Win...the crap part is not the PC, is the WIN that crashed, opens the door to "strangers" and stuff like that. If you need help with Linux (which is also..FREE!...all programs), let me know. I live with a Linux tech.
Hey....my yesterdays post was all about apples ;-)
I moved from PC to Mac a year ago and it took me a little while to tackle it, but once you do, you never want to go back.
ik droom ook van 'appelke' ...mijn dochter heeft er eentje , is even wennen aan de werking maar loopt nooit vast ...hout vast houden ;-)...so go for it :-)
I've heard many good things about Mac and after my iPhone I am more and more tempted to give it a try. But there is still something holding me back. A while longer, at least.
I am sure you'll find your way around using a new Mac, I guess it's just about taming technology :)
it seems like we are good through the same unagreeable experience. I have had some major trouble with my major computer and my laptop is also a pain since I bought it ..During the past weeks i realized how dependent from technology we are (i knew it but I strongly experienced it) and how stressing it is when it is not working propperly which happens way more often than I would like ... anyway. switching to mac is something I have in mind too ...

your lovely mosaic is a pretty ode to apple. love it .

My son has a Mac about a year. We are very pleased with it as well. Pc with a lot of trouble before, even though the last one year did not get any problems. I strongly advise to you MAC
I still have my PC, but computer moods make me mad!
Good luck with your Mac experience - I heard it's so much better.
great choice!!
We changed for Mac too, but desktop as we have PC in the lounge to oversee what the children are browsing... and the main reason was noise as well, the Mac is incredibly quiet. My husband has installed both operational systems, Safari and Outlook and we have ended up using Outlook and not using Safari at all, so there is this option too, to have Outlook installed on the Mac. Some say the Mac op. system is better, but I don't miss anything in Outlook so have no motivation to learn new.
Great mosaic!
I don't have a MAC.. but I heard so many great things about it that probably my next one will be a MAC!!!! :=)
Love the fresh greens... I have never had a mac. I hope you will have a most satisfying relationship with your new Mac!
emily xo
I've wondered what's so different between Pc & Mac....
Thanks for your nice colors !
lovely mosaic, I switched to mac last year and if you like your computer working fast and loading things for ages - that is the best choice and it is really so completely quiet that when i have to do something on pc i get a headache...

good luck, it is going to be different

best of luck with this change i would love to hear about it - i always want to do so but worry that i might not get used to it =D
i agree.... "once you go mac you'll never go back!" i tell it to all my friends and family. you will truly LOVE the change- promise:)
loving your green, fresh, ode to a mac mosaic- it's so fitting!
i think i shall thank you EVERY week for having this mosaic challenge. it's the BEST!
xox, rachel
p.s. was soooo honored that you linked my mosaic from last week- what a nice surprise:)
ooops, how in the world did my last weeks post get linked up there? i'm so confused. if i knew how to delete it i would. sorry:(
Green colour is my favorite. I love the apple ´s picture.
Hugs from Málaga (Spain)

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