On friday I left for a weekend Amsterdam with my Etsy friends. In the evening we went to an Etsy meeting at the Lloyd hotel. What a fun crowd gathered there. I don't have any useable pictures of the meeting itself as it was dark and small in there but it was cozy and fun for sure.
Matt and Benedikta from Etsy's Berlin office were the hosts and they certainly spread the enthusiam about the conference for micro entrepreneurs next spring. Can't wait for this summit of awesome!
All these flowers were in the hallway of the toilets - a creation of
Vlinder & Vogel Isn't it beautiful?

On Saturday we went with a bunch to the
Craftymarket. Even though the market was connected to a cultural festival, it wasn't really busy which surprised me. But being there with like minded souls, it was certainly the highlight of my weekend.
The weather was kind of weird: sunny, cold, cloudy, warm, rainy,... typical Dutch weather for this time of year...

My friend
Vanessa came to visit me at the market. I hadn't seen her in over a year and she's not only an amazing Etsy-supporter but also a good photographer as I asked her to take some pictures from the stands. I'm so glad she spend the entire afternoon with us chatting. Thanks for popping by, Ness! :)

It's fun sharing a stand with someone who's a fan of your work. Marta from
Martice did a great job explaining my work to people with her never ending enthusiasm! Thanks
Marta! :)

Nicole from
Babongohome hides behind her beautiful and ecofriendly mobiles.
Swee is checking out
ThongbaiTatong's work.

Barry & Liesbeth from
Pinipiru shared a stand with Annemiek from

Bai from
ThongbaiTatong spoiled us with a beautiful pouch and
Swiedebie gave me a plush apple pincushion which will be excellent in my sewing space. Thanks so much, supersweet, smiley ladies! :)

I bought this cutie hat from
Swiedebie for my nephew who turns 1 in 2 weeks. He will look much cuter in it then I do but I wanted to show you how awesome it is.
So happy I remembered his birthday when chatting with
Swee while looking at her pretty stand! I'm terrible at remembering birthday's! ;)

It was a fab weekend spend with friends & it made me forget a bit about the load of work I still have on my plate the coming weeks. Better get back to the to do-list now I suppose...
Have a great start of the new week everyone! :)