Do you have a fun theme for next month? Don't hesitate to let me know!
My mosaic this week shows more from the inside then the outside. I haven't decided yet if my dream home would be near the beach, in the middle of the woods or in the city. I'm also still undecided on the style. I prefer a modern look but I don't want it to look too clean and designed. You know, those houses where you feel like you're in the local Modern art museum. I prefer a place where you can feel people actually live there. It can be a bit messy and things do not have to be put away all the time. It's OK if magazines lay about, the dishes are in the sink or there is laundry hanging somewhere.
I want my dream home to feel warm and welcome. Therefore it has to have wooden floorboards, lots of light, a fireplace and cozy handmade items. And of course, a large studio for me to mess about in.
We certainly lack a fireplace right now and we don't have wooden floorboards yet (because we're so indecisive) and we have so much stuff that I feel the house is bursting so I'd love to win the lottery and buy my dream home... How about you? :)
If you like to play this week, make your mosaic and add a link to your to your blogpost (NOT your blog please) or Flickr. Click on the button below and fill in your name with the link to your blogpost or Flickr picture. I'll try to pop over to have a look at yours.
florcita13 44p · 738 weeks ago
If I ever move again it will be to head south, really south, and to a farm.
zsazsazsu · 738 weeks ago
ArtMind 51p · 738 weeks ago
Oh yes, Mariana, I forgot to mention a garden & trees (fruit) so that we can grow our own veggies. I do want that too! :)
cri-cri · 738 weeks ago
p8ronella · 738 weeks ago
Jennifer Rose · 738 weeks ago
Viktoria/Donauluft · 738 weeks ago
Cozy and inviting, the special style does not matter so much.
Pesky Cat Designs · 738 weeks ago
LeelaBijou · 738 weeks ago
Jasmine · 737 weeks ago
fancypants · 737 weeks ago
maybe a future mosaic could be themed
'a collection of dreams'
Just a thought!