Every month, there will be an event - mostly on monday's so keep your schedule free.
The events are divided into 'hello Etsy' and 'Etsy labs' and will take place either in the Netherlands or Belgium.
“Hello ETSY” meetings are there to support and give information for the micro entrepreneur. Themes as marketing, photography, sustainability etc. will be covered in different meetings.
“ETSY Labs” on the other hand are creative and cosy make-meetings where we create in company of artitsts, craftsman/woman or other creative spirits in a certain theme, technique or material.
For both events, everybody is welcome to join.
The first meeting is a 'Hello Etsy' meeting in Antwerp.
In short:
What: Workshop Branding en Media, free entrance and open bar
When: Monday februari 21st, 7pm
Where: Antwerp http://www.bardoffice.com/ (in designcenter 'de WINKELHAAK' on walking distance from the central station) (Bar d’office Antwerpen |Dambruggestraat 29/31 | 2060 Antwerpen)
Language: Engels
More info and registration: rsvp here or mail Marta mpakovska@etsy.com
martice · 725 weeks ago
vadjutka · 725 weeks ago