Have you ever thought about what you still really want to do before you die?
One person had a very clever answer to that as she said:
'I don't postpone... so there are not so many things that wait for being done'
Perhaps we need to follow these very wise words...
Most of them seemed to have dreams to travel...

- visit all over Europe
- Go to Egypt
- go to Australia, New Zealand and Japan
- travel everywhere
- going to the beautiful place 'Tavira' in Portugal
- make a long trip with hubby and kids to farfar away..
- travel around the world without airplanes
- live in different places in the world
- visit at least one country in each of the five continents
- Long trip to India
- travel a lot continue travelling the world, re visiting countries i've been to that i loved, a road trip through the US .. travel travel travel travel travel ..
- make a world travel
- travel to USA
- go to Bali, Greece, Italy
- travel around the world, and live in another country where there is sunshine all year round...
- cross-America tour
- ski and visit Indonesia
- travel around the world
Some of them dream about making, having, raising a baby/children...

- have a baby
- To raise a child
- see my kids grow up happily
- lovingly raise my children
Some of them want to write/draw/publish a book...
- be a book illustrator
- write that book
Some of them dream about a house by the sea...

- live at the seaside :)
- buy a house by the sea
And here are some other answers...
- I’d like to learn more as much as I can and share it. I believe that Having, living with and spreading out useful knowledge is a way to lead me towards being a real human.
- I never tought to this...sorry...
- develop my mind/heart to become more compassionate and wise
- Live a happy life. If there is something I didn’t do before that then it wasn’t meant to be.
- Find a inner balance in myself
- Everything that I possibly can and then some more LOL! I want to be healthy and then just die from extreme old age!!!
- find time for myself,bring my etsy shop to really begin working!
- watch the aurora borealis in the sky above me
- make peace with myself
- make a living from art
- to be able to tell and show everyone I know that I love them and will do so even after I die.
- oh my, there are so many things I will do!
- to be immortal...hehe!!!
I think it's good to think about what you want to do before you die once in a while...
Life is often lived so fast and before you know it, you're growing grey hair, get wrinkles and suddenly you also start to schrink! Climb that mountain before that happens! ;)