Remember my struggle to mould Barbie's hand last week? Well, the last option with the partly silicone, partly plaster mould worked OK. Not entirely satisfied but I did mould quite a few and hope that after sanding I will have a few good ones left to use.

And monday a lovely surprise arrived in the mail. My secret partner had sent me some left overs from colored glass. I could not wait to experiment with it. And so I did of course. It did not come out all well but two of them I find really lovely. I hope she will like 'em and will be able to use 'em.

This week, I'll be firing a batch of the first production process on porcelain temperature. Will ship it next week and then my secret partner can make the final product with it. I'm very excited about this! :)
To know the idea behind the secret project, go read the first blogpost
here or
click on the label 'the secret project' to see all the posts about it.
Can't wait to receive your guesses but think about it carefully 'cause you can only guess once! :)
You can send your guess to and can not change your guess so think about it carefully...