A woman named Clara Zetkin (Leader of the 'Women's Office' for the Social Democratic Party in Germany) tabled the idea of an International Women's Day. She proposed that every year in every country there should be a celebration on the same day - a Women's Day - to press for their demands. It wasn't until International Women's Year in 1975, that the 'International Women's Day' was given official recognition by the United Nations and was taken up by many governments.
So, 8th of March, women will come together to celebrate solidarity, equal rights and freedom.

I'm one of those artists and it's in exactly 2 weeks on the 7th of March. Eeeks, I still have lots to do in preparation so I might be a bit absent on the blog in the coming 2 weeks.
Apart from the market, a few of the activities that you can do there are:
- Tango for starters: fun to try out if you never have before.
- vestiare populaire gives you the opportunity to dive into a dressing room with more then 600 outfits which you can fit on and then be photographed in a studio
- 'de koekjesfee' or the cupcake-fairy is there to make and bake fabulous cookies and cakes
(kids older then 4 and accompagnied by an adult) - Chocolate, bittersweet a workshop from Fair Trade about the production process of chocolate and in insight in the cacao market.
- A 'how to raise my child' game to get an insight on how other parents look upon issues with their children. Fun and humor garantueed.
- An exhibition about breast cancer and how to prevent it
- A workshop with Michaël Verheyden about handbags & fashion accesoiries
- Iris Mondelaers who is a jewellery designer will show how an item is born from start to finish.

If you want to take part in the workshop, you will have to sign up. The cost is 10 euro's which includes a visit to the Fashion museum. You can get more info here: modemuseum@hasselt.be

She's a Belgian artist that is well know internationally too. She's actually from this city but now lives in Paris. If you want to hear what kind of music she brings, go here.
Tickets for this (15euro) also have to be bought upfront. You can do that via e-mail: plaatsbespreking@ccha.be
If you plan to visit and need more info, feel free to contact me: mitsy@artmind.eu