Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Paper doll project

A while ago, Anastasia send me a message asking me to participate in a project of hers called 'Paper Doll project'. Just for fun and I really like to do things 'just for fun'. :) Besides that, I think it's an awesome idea and I hope that lots of people will join.

She made a drawing of herself and asks people to make clothes for her.
You can download the drawing in her blog.
Then you get to work with paper, pencil, fabric, paint, crayons, recycling material,... you name it, lots of possiblities.
So here's what I did...


I cut out a dress from wallpaper and added some rikrak ribbon at the bottom.
I love mary janes so I decided to give her red velvet mary jane-shoes.
Her accesoiries consist out of a red necklace & hairpin.

I'm not a fashion designer and to be honest, I'm not all that interested in clothes at all. I really liked the challenge to make something of this and yes, it did draw me out of my comfort zone again. Now, go and make some clothes for Anastasia! :)